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Policing Credentials:
- 9 years with the Canadian Forces Military Police | Air Force (1965 - 1974)
- Team Leader | C.F.B. Chilliwack Search & Rescue (1973)
- 31 years with the Vancouver Police Department | Retired as a Detective in 2004
- Chief Constables Award for Top Student | Recruit Class #41 (1974)
- Deputy Chief Constables Award for Fitness Promotion within the V.P.D. (1985)
Health & Wellness Credentials:
- Former President, Health Action Network Society
- Expert Presenter on the Safety of Nutritional Supplements | Parliamentary Sub-Committee
- Host | Co-Host of Croft Woodruff's 'Health Living' radio show | 1040am Vancouver
- Contributor to 'Alive Magazine' and 'Health Action Network Magazine'
​- Fitness Coordinator for the Vancouver Police Department | Testing and Program Development
- Fitness Class Instructor | 600+ Fitness Classes
- Fitness | Health courses at S.F.U., Capilano College, etc
- Numerous hours over the last 15 years, researching and attending doctor panels on health | nutrition.
Health & Wellness Activities (General):
- 1st Place, Superstar's Obstacle Course, Corporate Cup (1980)
- Hawaii Ironman | One of the first 100 Canadians to complete this event (1982)
- Six marathons | Vancouver (4) & Hawaii (2)
- Two ultra-marathons (33 & 54 miles)
- VPD Relay Team | 3 events - 4,500 km raising funds for the C.K.N.W. Orphan's Fund
Sporting Events at the World Police & Fire Games:
- Competed in the T.C.A. (Toughest Competitor Alive) Event | San Jose, California (1985)
- Cycled Vancouver to San Diego | 2,600 km in 16 days to attend World Police & Fire Games (1987)
- Bronze Medal in Field Archery | Memphis, Tennessee (1991)
- Earned a Gold Medal in the 200 meters (75-79 age group) at the World Police & Fire Games, this past summer in Winnipeg.
- Bronze Medal in Field Archery | Memphis, Tennessee)
- Married to Maggie for 19 years, with 2 sons and 1 step-son
- Avid New York Yankees fan since 1955
- Play Seniors Slow-Pitch in Chilliwack, BC (8 years)
- New Goal: Participate in the next World Police & Fire Games in Birmingham, Alabama in June 2025. I will compete in the 200 meter dash and indoor Rowing Bench Press
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